
Claro's StdLib Module Documentation Generation Is Still a WIP.

This is currently just a placeholder to at least ensure that all the StdLib Modules are represented here so that you don't have to dig into the GitHub repo to find this. But, expect this to improve and become more interactive over time.

# This module simply provides access to the functionality described in:
#   -
# The signatures found here in this module are not a 1:1 match with the signatures in their Java equivalents, however,
# as all error cases have been intentionally modelled as proper return values wrapped in std::Error<...>. In this way,
# interacting with any procedures defined in this module will be inherently safe.

# TODO(steving) Claro needs some sort of Map<T> contract or something so that duplicated procedures aren't needed
# TODO(steving)     for mut/immut cases.

# TODO(steving) If at all possible, & should be refactored to *contains* a collection rather
# TODO(steving)     than extending the Java collections directly so that functionality directly from Guava's Maps
# TODO(steving)     class can be directly added to this module w/o losing the performance wins of their "views".
# TODO(steving)   -

# Returns true if this map contains no key-value mappings.
function isEmpty<K,V>(m: {K:V}) -> boolean;
function isEmptyMut<K,V>(m: mut {K:V}) -> boolean;

# Returns true if this map maps one or more keys to the specified value. This operation will require time linear in the map size.
function containsValue<K,V>(m: {K:V}, v: V) -> boolean;
function containsValueInMut<K,V>(m: mut {K:V}, v: V) -> boolean;

# Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped, or `defaultValue` if this map contains no mapping for the key.
function getOrDefault<K,V>(m: {K:V}, k: K, defaultValue: V) -> V;
function getOrDefaultFromMut<K,V>(m: mut {K:V}, k: K, defaultValue: V) -> V;

# Removes all of the mappings from this map (optional operation). The map will be empty after this call returns.
consumer clear<K,V>(m: mut {K:V});

# Returns an immutable set containing the keys of this map.
function keySet<K,V>(m: {K:V}) -> {K};
# Returns an immutable set containing the keys of this map. Changes made to the original map *do not* have any affect on
# the returned set.
function keySetOfMut<K,V>(m: mut {K:V}) -> {K};

# Returns a mutable set containing the keys of this map. Changes made to either collection have no affect on the other.
function mutKeySet<K,V>(m: {K:V}) -> mut {K};
function mutKeySetOfMut<K,V>(m: mut {K:V}) -> mut {K};

# TODO(steving) If at all possible, should be refactored so that it *contains* a Set rather than extends
# TODO(steving)     HashSet<T> directly so that maps::mutKeySetOfMut() can return a proper "view".
# TODO(steving)   -
#function mutKeySetViewOfMut<K,V>(m: mut {K:V}) -> mut {K};

# Returns an immutable set containing the values of this map.
function values<K,V>(m: {K:V}) -> {V};
# Returns an immutable set containing the values of this map. Changes made to the original map *do not* have any affect on
# the returned set.
function valuesOfMut<K,V>(m: mut {K:V}) -> {V};

# Returns a mutable set containing the values of this map. Changes made to either collection have no affect on the other.
function mutValues<K,V>(m: {K:V}) -> mut {V};
function mutValuesOfMut<K,V>(m: mut {K:V}) -> mut {V};

# Returns an immutable set of the mappings contained in this map.
function entrySet<K,V>(m: {K:V}) -> {tuple<K, V>};
# Returns an immutable set of the mappings contained in this map. Changes made to the original map *do not* have any
# affect on the returned set.
function entrySetOfMut<K,V>(m: mut {K:V}) -> {tuple<K, V>};

# Returns a mutable set of the mappings contained in this map.
function mutEntrySet<K,V>(m: {K:V}) -> mut {tuple<K, V>};
# Returns a mutable set of the mappings contained in this map. Changes made to either collection have no affect on the other.
function mutEntrySetOfMut<K,V>(m: mut {K:V}) -> mut {tuple<K, V>};

# Performs the given action for each entry in this map until all entries have been processed.
consumer forEach<K,V>(m: {K:V}, action: consumer<K,V>);
consumer forEachInMut<K,V>(m: mut {K:V}, action: consumer<K,V>);

# Replaces each entry's value with the result of invoking the given function on that entry until all entries have been
# processed.
consumer replaceAll<K,V>(m: mut {K:V}, mapper: function<|K, V| -> V>);

# Associates the specified value with the specified key in this map. If the map previously contained a mapping for the
# key, the old value is replaced by the specified value.
# Returns: the previous value associated with key, or `maps::PUT_VALUE_FOR_PREVIOUSLY_ABSENT_KEY` if there was no
#          mapping for key.
function put<K,V>(m: mut {K:V}, k: K, v: V) -> oneof<V, PUT_VALUE_FOR_PREVIOUSLY_ABSENT_KEY>;

# Copies all of the mappings from the specified map to this map. The effect of this call is equivalent to that of
# calling `maps::put(m, k, v)` on this map once for each mapping from key k to value v in the specified map.
consumer putAll<K,V>(m: mut {K:V}, from: {K:V});
consumer putAllFromMut<K,V>(m: mut {K:V}, from: mut {K:V});

# If the specified key is not already associated with a value, associates it with the given value and returns
# `maps::PUT_VALUE_FOR_PREVIOUSLY_ABSENT_KEY`, else returns the current value.
function putIfAbsent<K,V>(m: mut {K:V}, k: K, v: V) -> oneof<V, PUT_VALUE_FOR_PREVIOUSLY_ABSENT_KEY>;

# Removes the mapping for a key from this map if it is present.
# Returns: the value to which this map previously associated the key, or `maps::KeyNotFound<K>` if the map contained no
#          mapping for the key.
function removeKey<K,V>(m: mut {K:V}, k: K) -> oneof<V, KeyNotFound<K>>;

# Removes the entry for the specified key only if it is currently mapped to the specified value.
function removeEntry<K,V>(m: mut {K:V}, k: K, v: V) -> boolean;

# Replaces the entry for the specified key only if currently mapped to the specified value.
# Returns: `true` if the value was replaced, else `false`.
function replaceEntry<K,V>(m: mut {K:V}, k: K, oldValue: V, newValue: V) -> boolean;

# Replaces the entry for the specified key only if it is currently mapped to some value.
# Returns: the previous value associated with the specified key, or `std::Error<maps::KeyNotFound<K>>` if there was no
#          mapping for the key.
newtype KeyNotFound<K> : K
function replace<K,V>(m: mut {K:V}, k: K, newValue: V) -> oneof<V, std::Error<KeyNotFound<K>>>;

# If the specified key is not already associated with a value, attempts to compute its value using the given mapping
# function and enters it into this map, unless the function returns `maps::DoNotUpdate<K>` in which case no mapping is
# recorded.
# Returns: the current (existing or computed) value associated with the specified key, or propagates any
#          `maps::DoNotUpdate<K>` returned by `mapper`.
newtype DoNotUpdate<K> : K
function computeIfAbsent<K,V>(
  m: mut {K:V},
  k: K,
  mapper: function<K -> oneof<V, std::Error<DoNotUpdate<K>>>>)
    -> oneof<V, std::Error<DoNotUpdate<K>>>;

# If the value for the specified key is present, attempts to compute a new mapping given the key and its current mapped
# value. If the function returns `maps::REMOVE_ENTRY`, the mapping is removed.
# Returns: the new value associated with the specified key, propagates `maps::REMOVE_ENTRY` if the entry was removed, or
#          `maps::KeyNotFound<K>` if the key was not present in the map.
function computeIfPresent<K,V>(
  m: mut {K:V},
  k: K,
  remapper: function<|K, V| -> oneof<V, REMOVE_ENTRY>>)
    -> oneof<V, REMOVE_ENTRY, std::Error<KeyNotFound<K>>>;

# Attempts to compute a mapping for the specified key and its current mapped value (or `maps::KeyNotFound<K>` if there
# is no current mapping). For example, to either create or append a string msg to a value mapping:
#  maps::compute(
#     someMap,
#     key,
#     lambda (k, v) -> {
#       if (v instanceof maps::KeyNotFound<K>) {
#         return msg;
#       }
#       return "{v}{msg}";
#     }
#  );
#  (Method merge() is often simpler to use for such purposes.)
# If the function returns `maps::REMOVE_ENTRY`, the mapping is removed (or remains absent if initially absent).
# Returns: the new value associated with the specified key, or propagates `maps::REMOVE_ENTRY` if the entry was removed.
function compute<K,V>(
  m: mut {K:V},
  k: K,
  remapper: function<|K, oneof<V, KeyNotFound<K>>| -> oneof<V, REMOVE_ENTRY>>)
    -> oneof<V, REMOVE_ENTRY>;

# If the specified key is not already associated with a value, associates it with the given value. Otherwise, replaces
# the associated value with the results of the given remapping function, or removes if the result is
# `maps::REMOVE_ENTRY`. This method may be of use when combining multiple mapped values for a key. For example, to
# either create or append a String msg to a value mapping:
#   maps::merge(someMap, key, msg, lambda (oldVal, newVal) -> {
#     match (newVal) {
#       case _:maps::REMOVE_ENTRY -> return newVal;
#       case _                    -> return "{oldVal}{newVal}";
#     }
#   });
# Returns: the new value associated with the specified key, or propagates `std::REMOVE_ENTRY` if the entry was removed.
function merge<K,V>(
  m: mut {K:V},
  k: K,
  v: oneof<V, REMOVE_ENTRY>,
  remapper: function<|V, oneof<V, REMOVE_ENTRY>| -> oneof<V, REMOVE_ENTRY>>)
    -> oneof<V, REMOVE_ENTRY>;