Welcome to Claro!

Claro is a statically typed JVM language that provides a well-lit path to building simple, highly concurrent, and scalable applications.
Dependency Management Done Right
Claro was designed with modern build tooling in mind:
- Swap any dependency without changing a single line of source code
- Runtime "Dependency Injection" frameworks are a thing of the past
- First class Module system
Fearless Concurrency
Developed by a Xoogler taking inspiration from years of hands-on development experience with Google-internal backend web frameworks, Claro moves well beyond async/await. Claro’s declarative, DAG-based structured concurrency model provides an easy-to-use abstraction to statically guarantee that programs are:
- Non-blocking
- Data-race free
- Deadlock free
- Optimally scheduled
- Scalable by default
Data Oriented
- Strict separation between data and functionality
- Mutability tracked at the type system level
- Extremely flexible built in algebraic data types
- Model arbitrary data structures with zero boilerplate
Unapologetically Practical
- Bi-directional type inference
- Robust standard library
- Builtin external package manager
- Build time metaprogramming
Designed to Scale with You
- Incremental compilation out of the box
- Code reuse made simple
- Develop codebases of any size without devolving into a spaghetti labyrinth
Actively In Development
Claro is in active development and is not yet ready for production use. While Claro has been in active development for more than 3 years, its design and implementation has been done entirely by its single maintainer, Jason Steving - while the foundation has been laid, contributions are welcome! Anyone with interest is actively encouraged to reach out and get involved!