Sometimes it's useful to represent a concept that doesn't necessarily have any meaningful "data" apart from a name. For example, you may want to represent the states of a simple street-light (i.e. red, yellow, or green).
Claro's atoms provide a clean solution for modelling these states:
Fig 1:
atom Red
atom Yellow
atom Green
Now, you can write code that directly uses these Red
, Yellow
and Green
as values.
Fig 2:
|> random::nextNonNegativeBoundedInt(^, 3)
|> var r = ^;
var lightColor: oneof<Red, Yellow, Green>;
match (r) {
case 0 -> lightColor = Red;
case 1 -> lightColor = Yellow;
case _ -> lightColor = Green;
[0.011s][warning][perf,memops] Cannot use file /tmp/hsperfdata_runner/6 because it is locked by another process (errno = 11)
Static Validation
Using atoms, Claro will catch any accidental typos for you at compile-time:
Fig 3:
|> random::nextNonNegativeBoundedInt(^, 3)
|> var r = ^;
var lightColor: oneof<Red, Yellow, Green>;
match (r) {
case 0 -> lightColor = Red;
case 1 -> lightColor = Yelow; # <-- Claro will catch this misspelling for you.
case _ -> lightColor = Green;
Compilation Errors:
atoms_EX3_example.claro:8: No variable <Yelow> within the current scope!
case 1 -> lightColor = Yelow; # <-- Claro will catch this misspelling for you.
atoms_EX3_example.claro:8: Invalid type: found <<UNKNOWABLE DUE TO PRIOR TYPE VALIDATION ERROR>>, but expected one of (<Red, Yellow, Green, oneof<Red, Yellow, Green>>).
case 1 -> lightColor = Yelow; # <-- Claro will catch this misspelling for you.
2 Errors
Ad-Hoc "Enums"
Unlike many other languages, if you want to define a type that has only a limited set of possible values you don't have
to declare an "enum" ahead of time. Instead, Claro encourages modeling this using the builtin oneof<...>
type as in
the example above. It can be useful to define an alias to represent the "enum" in a concise way if it's widely used:
Fig 4:
alias LightColor : oneof<Red, Yellow, Green>
|> random::nextNonNegativeBoundedInt(^, 3)
|> var r = ^;
var lightColor: LightColor;
match (r) {
case 0 -> lightColor = Red;
case 1 -> lightColor = Yellow;
case _ -> lightColor = Green;